Citrus Fruit Salad with Wild Blueberry Sabayon

2 oranges, peeled and segmented, reserve juice
1 grapefruit, peeled and segmented, reserve juice
1 pomelo, peeled and segmented, reserve juice
2 limes, peeled and segmented, reserve juice
⅓ cup (50 g) ground cherries, dried, finely chopped
1 tsp (5 ml) maple syrup
4 fresh ground cherries for garnish
1 cup (150 g) frozen wild blueberries, defrosted, pureed and strained, reserving blueberries for garnish
4 egg yolks
¼ cup (50 g) brown sugar
3 tbsp (45 ml) white wine, dry
1 vanilla bean, seeds removed
¼ bunch mint, leaves picked for garnish
Place segmented citrus, dried ground cherries and maple syrup in a bowl. Mix to combine and set aside. Place pureed wild blueberries, egg yolks, sugar, reserved citrus juice, white wine and vanilla in a metal bowl, whisk to combine. Place bowl in a Bain-Marie and whisk for approximately 5 minutes, until Sabayon is thick and light in consistency. Place citrus fruit segments on a plate and spoon Sabayon over. Garnish with fresh ground cherries and mint.
Tip: Dried ground cherries can be substituted with dried fruit of choice. Fresh ground cherries can be replaced with grapes or omitted.
Preparation Time: 20 minutes and 30 minutes for marinating
Servings: 4
Energy: 289 Calories; Carbohydrates: 62 g;
Protein: 5.8 g
Fat: 5.1 g; Fiber: 6.4 g; Sodium: 17 mg
Wild Blue is Good for You!