Wild Blueberry and Sea Buckthorn Berry Stripes Ice Pops

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Augie’s Ice Pops

Wild Blueberry and Sea Buckthorn Berry Stripes Ice Pops Picture



1/2 cup of sea buckthorn berry juice

1 ½ cups wild blueberry puree

1/8 cup lime juice (2 limes)

1/8 cup lemon juice (1 lemon)

zest from one lemon and lime

1 ½ cups organic cane sugar

2 ½ cups hot water

pinch of kosher salt


Combine sugar and water–stir until combined to create Simple Syrup.  Add 1 ½ cups of this simple syrup to sea buckthorn juice and add 1/2 of the lime juice and zest to this mixture–add small pinch of Kosher salt and stir.

Add 1 ½  cups (the rest) of the simple syrup to the wild blueberry puree.  Mix the remaining lemon and lime juice/zest -add small pinch of kosher salt.  Stir

Taste both mixtures and add additional sugar or citrus to suit.

Choose one flavour first and pour into moulds–up to 1/4 of the way—put in freezer for several hours to freeze (not necessarily fully frozen but getting solid) before adding second layer.  After second layer is poured add the popsicle sticks.  Pour third and fourth layers in similar fashion.

Wild Blue is Good for You!