Going Wild Has Its Advantages
If jams and preserves sales are important to your business, consider a Wild ingredient that will give you more of what your consumers are looking for… and a competitive new advantage for your brand.
A Taste of the Power of Wild Report Results:
Wild Blueberries vs. Cultivated
The following is a snapshot of preserves category results from the Power of Wild Research that show the advantages of choosing the right type of blueberry.
71% of all consumers say jams and preserves would taste better
when made with Wild Blueberries.

62% of all consumers say jams and preserves would increase health benefits
when made with Wild Blueberries.

72% of LOHAS consumers say jam products support sustainability better
when made with Wild Blueberries.

Read The Complete Report
Whether on a menu or in a grocery store, people who purchase yogurt prefer Wild Blueberries vs. regular blueberries in every dimension tested. For more jam/preserve results and consumer attitudes around the Power of Wild and how choosing Wild Blueberries vs. regular blueberries can impact purchase intent, purchase volume, securing a price premium and more, download the full Power of Wild Research Report which includes quantitative consumer findings on 8 different food service and packaged goods categories.
download the full Power of Wild Research Report now
Research Background:
Research results are excerpts from a 2015 nationwide survey of 1,009 US consumers conducted by Portland Marketing Analytics LLC. Two US consumer types were targeted for the research, the general US population (all consumers- 18 years of age or older) and those who self reported health and sustainability as a driving value in the foods they buy (LOHAS-lifestyles of health and sustainability). The total margin of error for all survey results was +/- 2.6% allowing for generalization of results at the 90% level of confidence.